I've run across a couple of blogs by missionaries that have given me insight into what is happening in different parts of the world. Marty linked them on his blog - SBC Outpost, so we can blame it on him (as if he need something else for people to blame him for.....)
The M Blog and Missions Misunderstood are carrying on a conversation at The M Blog that concerns some of the issues surrounding Church Planting Movements. It's usually better to listen to those who are in the middle of trying to do the job rather than those who don't even know that there is a job to do IMHO.
Thanks for the comment left on our "M Blog" this past week and for the link here on your own blog. My wife and I call Texas "home" (when we aren't overseas!) Both of us love NM and AZ and try to make a trip to one or the other every time we are in the States. We would love to meet you in person some day and maybe get a chance to share with your church some of the things God is doing in our midst.
I have enjoyed reading through several of the postings on your blog and getting to know you a bit better. Keep up the good work with the pastoring and the pot-stirring!
Guy Muse
P.S. In case you are wondering about the "comment deleted" it was me, something messed up with blogger and it posted on your site something I had written earlier as a comment on my own blog--strange!
No hay problema con las palabras en una lugar incorrecto Senior!
I've enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your perspective on things. When you are in the states again, you have a standing invitation to spend time with us. We are in a very small Association, but I think it can be arranged for you to speak to several churches in the area. I would enjoy spending time together.
And you would have the opportunity to travel the Highway formerly numbered 666 (now 191). It has around 450 turns in 90 miles or so. We do not have a physical address, just Highway 191. Imagine pastors telling people that they are on Highway 666....... I almost wish it had not been changed!
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