The Duct tape is the Bond of Love. A little guy coming out of the service said that our love should sound like Duct tape. I think he caught the idea.

Here's what the "church" looks like today (as we saw it this morning) Lots of words on the outside of the wall like - Building (everybody knows you have to have a building to have church), Paid Preacher (every church needs a paid preacher to be the dispenser of all knowledge), the correct version of the Word, a choir, etc. Sorry the picture isn't detailed enough to get a good view. Maybe I can post others later with more detail.
One of the deacons told his wife (who was out of town thig morning) "Our traditions got hammered this morning." Her response was "Hallelujah!!" I'm kinda glad for her response because she is on our Worship Team and plays the keyboards for us.
Well Jake, it's kinda like this..... it was either duct tape or bailing wire. Bailing wire doesn't make noise normally, and duct tape makes all kind of noise. And the added benefit of different colors, not to mention the 200 mile per hour tape.
It took 2 weeks to get the butcher paper on the outside of the church. The first week was every box exposed for all to see. The second week we covered it up with the "church" whitewash. The color of the paper is not really white, it is kinda recycled stuff, not shiny although the picture looks that way - I blame it on a bright flash.
Don't scratch too much, or Ginger will whack you with that brush again.......
Interesting post on one of my favorite topics: "What is the church?" I think many of us are struggling to really understand what the church is all about. Keep at it with the folks there, slowly things will become clearer and clearer and the church will be the church.
great job... pushing the margins out... stretching the boarders... teaching in a language that some folks may not be used to... sweet.
Guy - It is a topic that we have been dealing with, trying to come to grips with how it should look in our community for a while now. We are pretty traditional, although less now than we were 2 1/2 years ago.
Adam - thanks. Some here have made the comment that they don't know what I am going to do next, and they seem Ok with that..... We'll see what happens this next Sunday - no music. Wonder if some will think we haven't been to church.
What is happeining?!?!? We aren't going to have 'church' Sunday?!?! No music?!? AHHH!!! I don't know if this PK can handle this....Change...very uncomfrtable...
Hmmmm.....But maybe it is time to be a little more uncomfortable in our already hard 18th century pews....Maybe we need to move the pews and have everyone bring in folding chairs....Who knows?
I still say you need to copyright this and put all of the objects needed to teach this 'lesson' in a beer box and send it off to other Pastors....excuse me Preachers....so that they can use it too...
Never know what'll happen Miah. You are aware of why you invite more than 1 Baptist to your party don't you?
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