23 March 2006

Make sure you are on the same page...

Attended an Association meeting yesterday. A new opportunity was presented by someone who wants to start a Student Ministry at Eastern Arizona College. EAC is a Community College at this point, but is hoping to become a 4 year college for the 2007-2008 school year. It is historically a Mormon college, but the area is growing and more non-Mormon students are attending.

Bill is the man who has the vision of ministering to students. It was almost a classic case of generational differences. He had a plan that would have worked in the 60's - 80's. He presented it to a couple of guys on our state staff a couple of weeks ago, and didn't get the response he had hoped for, so he was wanting to see what could be done without the state convention help. I'm not sure he explored any current strategies to minister to students.

I started asking all kinds of questions like "What is the strategy?" and "Why are you wanting to do this?" He was thinking that I didn't care, and wouldn't support it until I told him that I have a daughter who is going to start attending EAC this fall - I have a vested interest in starting a student ministry. I just want to start one that will reach students, not one that is based on a strategy that worked for another generation.

We went to a coffee shop and talked for a long time after the meeting so that I could hear his dream. We were able to discuss the issues, agree on some points, while disagreeing on others. Who knows what will happen, what type of ministry will emerge, but we are going in the same direction, with the same goal in mind.

I appreciate Bill's passion. He commented at one point that he only has 13-15 years left in this life unless he gets called home early, and he doesn't want to waste those years (he is 68 years old)!!!! May his tribe increase and his ministry explode!

I'm going to help however I can, for multiple reasons. My daughters will probably attend that college, there are a lot of students who are believing lies there, and Bill has a vision. I'm sure glad we are on the same page of the same book!

New Mexico Baptists have a Blogger-Director

The Baptist Convention of New Mexico recently elected a new State Director, Dr. Joseph Bunce. He has started a blog and is asking New Mexico Baptists for input. I hope he is the leader that they need to help them reach the people of NM for Christ.

22 March 2006

eTeam up and running!

ASBC eTeam is live! I've written about it here and here.

If you are a member of a Southern Baptist church in the state of Arizona, you are invited to take part in the discussion! Each pastor in the state has received a letter from the Evaluation Team, and we want your input - regardless of your position in the church you serve.

20 March 2006

Doin' Theology

One of my professors in seminary regularly commented that we all do theology, whether we know it or not. Some of us will do a good job of it, others won't.

The past couple of weeks we have been studying church polity during the evening time together. (I hesitate to call it the evening service, cuz we don't do anything but study Scripture.) We've looked at gobs of verses from the New Testament text and spent quite a bit of time deciding what they mean and how it should work in our church. It is amazing what kinds of comments I have received from this exercise.

Some have said that they have not been encouraged like that through Bible study in a long time. Others have told me that they have been able to settle things in their mind that they have been wrestling with for most of their lives.

The one that means as much, if not more than all the others came from one who said "We don't want to have a Potluck next Sunday night, we want to do more Bible study!"

I can live with that.....

14 March 2006


Talked with a friend of mine from Seminary this morning. In actuality, he is one of my pastors whether he knows it or not. We discussed ministry and family and other things.

One aspect of ministry had to do with being. We see the same issues in our churches - people are busy and can't seem to just be. We find ourselves the same way many times too - too busy just to be. He is a pastor in the Phoenix area, and I am in a much smaller community, but that issue is the same for both of us.

He recently made a decision to stop pursuing a higher degree in seminary because he has 3 children. For that decision, I applaud him. His kids will be adults all too soon, and the degree will wait. He is doing a lot of things the right way though, getting exercise, taking his days off, doing things away from his church. He relayed a comment that someone he respected mentioned to him "They will kill you if you'll let them." He is experiencing this in his life now, and thankfully, trying to change before it is too late.

He serves as a Chaplain in the Reserves and will be heading out in a month or so for his 6 weeks of duty. He is looking forward to it. A change in perspecive will do him good (wouldn't it be good for all of us too?)

Don't know where I heard it or read it, but I like this - "We are human beings, not human doings" Why then are we more concerned with what we do than who we are?

09 March 2006

Shaylyn is surprised!

D'Shon and Shaylyn are gone for a couple of days. This is Shaylyn's surprise trip where she will receive a purity ring from me tomorrow night. Shemiah and Shaianne had their couple of days with Mom several years ago, when they were around 13. They both have purity rings as well.

We try to surprise the girls with this trip. Shemiah didn't have a clue until her mom went the wrong direction from the church parking lot. Her suitcase was in the back of the Suburban and she was completely surprised. For those of you who don't know Shemiah, she prides herself on being in the know about most everything - it was kinda fun to do something she had no idea was going to happen. I met them for supper (at the Fish Market in Phoenix) later that evening and presented her with her ring. They had that day and the next together in a nice hotel in Scottsdale.

Shaianne went to breakfast with me one morning and her mom showed up unexpectedly. Her stuff was packed after we left and mom had an easier time hiding some of the preparations. She received her ring at the end of breakfast. They went to the same hotel that Shemiah went to for her surprise trip.

Shaylyn told me right before she found out what was happening that she felt like she was everyones bodyguard today. Everyone wanted her to go with them to do whatever they were doing. She got her hair cut and then Shemiah assisted in the plot - she took her to Bashas and brought something to me at the office. Shaylyn looked like she was really unsure of what was going to happen when I mentioned to her that her next couple of days were going to be different than she was expecting. I talked to them a little while ago and they seem to be having fun. I get to go get Shaylyn's ring tomorrow and give it to her tomorrow night! It's going to be fun.

05 March 2006

M Blogs Misunderstood

I've run across a couple of blogs by missionaries that have given me insight into what is happening in different parts of the world. Marty linked them on his blog - SBC Outpost, so we can blame it on him (as if he need something else for people to blame him for.....)

The M Blog and Missions Misunderstood are carrying on a conversation at The M Blog that concerns some of the issues surrounding Church Planting Movements. It's usually better to listen to those who are in the middle of trying to do the job rather than those who don't even know that there is a job to do IMHO.

02 March 2006

Oh Look, a Sparkley!!!

It's amazing how much I depend on my computer and Internet connection. Been spending more time home trying to get things done in the past couple of weeks since my computer died. New (to me) machine should be here tomorrow - hopefully.

The new blog is just about ready for prime time. This blog will be for Arizona Southern Baptists to do some self-evaluation for our convention structure. When we roll it out, I'll provide a link so you can check it out. You can participate if you are a Southern Baptist living in Arizona. Registration is required to limit input to Az SBC'ers.

Food Bank time is tomorrow and Saturday. I look forward to these weekends. Getting to know folks in the community in a different way. It's fun developing relationships with them.

Our church recently started a clothing ministry - Women of Worth Repeat Boutique. It has been an outlet for several in our church, and we hope to make friends with lots of people in the community through it.

Don't miss the chance to encourage someone you come in contact with - especially when you are being prompted to do so. I missed an opportunity recently, and have regretted it ever since. Perhaps the opportunity will pass by my way again soon.