12 April 2006

Continuing comments about the 12

I'm continuing my whirlwind tour through "The Training of the Twelve" by A.B. Bruce. I started it last summer and have found it difficult to read much at a time. Not because it is a difficult book, but due to my ability (or lack thereof) to digest the concepts. It continually challenges my thinking, offering chunks for me to mull over, consider, argue with, etc.

Read a sobering one last night here (found toward the end of the chapater) that I quote below:

Stern fact sternly announced; but however stern, Jesus is not afraid to look it in the face. His heart is in perfect peace, for He has two great consolations. He has a good conscience: He can say, "I have overcome the world." He has held fast His moral integrity against incessant temptation. The prince of this world has found none of his spirit in Him, and for that very reason is going to crucify Him. But by that proceeding Satan will not nullify, but rather seal, His victory. Outward defeat by worldly power will be but the index and measure of His spiritual conquest. The world itself knows well that putting Him to death is but the second best way of overcoming Him. His enemies would have been much better pleased if they had succeeded in intimidating or bribing Him into compromise. The ungodly powers of the world always prefer corruption to persecution as a means of getting rid of truth and righteousness; only after failing in attempts to debauch conscience, and make men venal, do they have recourse to violence.

In context, Bruce is describing Jesus' final hours and the conversations he had with his disciples. This quote is sobering in that the tactics of the Enemy have not changed. We (Christ-followers) still have to watch our every step, to make sure our integrity is not compromised, in spite of being under constant surveilance. Jesus himself said in John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (NASB)

More to come ..... someday.

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